How old is Jacob????

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, November 20, 2009

11 months is coming in like a bang!

Hey all. Every day I am more and more amazed at how wonderful it is to be a mom. The littlest of things are so amazing to babies. For example, a few days ago Derek and I were blowing kisses to Jake and he was laughing so hard. How can anyone have a bad day when they have a laughing, loving muchkin to come home to? Since our last post, Jake took a hiatus from walking. But over the last few days, he has taken a few more steps. UNTIL TODAY, where he is walking like a champ, finger in the air for balance. Here is a short video, he was tuckered out from practicing. Also, we were playing after school and he stuck my finger in his mouth and lo and behold, there was a TOOTH on his bottom! Haven't tried to get a pic of that one yet, but when I do I will post it. I guess that explained the diaper rash out of no where and waking up an hour early a few times this week. :)