How old is Jacob????

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, October 24, 2009

10 months old!

Hi all. Jake is now over 10 mos old. Less than 8 weeks until his first birthday! I can't believe it...It seriously feels like we had him just a few months ago. He is growing up each and every day. Still no teeth. He started to say DADADADA while we were in Greer for a mini-vacay last weekend. Derek thinks he sounds like he is doing an Indian chant. He has shown us that the genetic code for boys contains climbing skills. He has scaled his Super Yard, the loft book case and anything else he can get his knee up on. Keeping Momma and Dadda on their toes is his current job. Here is a hodgepodge of videos and pictures of him over the past couple of weeks.

1 comment:

  1. He gets cuter every day! And he is a genius!

    Grandma M.
