I have gotten so bad with these posts (and even getting pictures in, not going for Mother of the Year award I guess)! Life has been busy keeping up with a very mobile little guy. Well, let's see...Since Jake's last post he has been mastering the crawling thing, cruising on furniture, pulling himself up on anything and anyone, giving sloppy kisses, babbling mama (no dada yet...poor derek), dancing to music and trying to feed himself. He actually does quite well feeding himself, and gets it in his mouth most of the time. The part that frustrates me is when he then puts his hand in his mouth all full of food and then of course straight to the hair! Still no teeth for our little gummer. They have to come soon though! I had my first couple days away from him while I went to Playa Del Carmen for my best friend Cathy's wedding (pic below)the beginning of September. It was hard, but good at the same time. I had a great trip to Mexico. The hardest part was dumping milk down the drain. Oh well...As you can see from the pics, he is getting bigger and bigger every day. The second I come home and see him all the stress melts away. Especially when he gives me a great big bear hug and slobbery kiss. Can't believe a whole 9 months has gone by. I promise to not wait another 2 months before I put another post up! ;)